why hiring me IS scary

3 minute read


Well, pretend you do hire me. And I coach your decision to retire and transition from work life to retired life. How do we get started? Well, in each session I coach you in, I help you to identify the goal you want to accomplish. I explore why your goal is important to you. And I ask you to define what you must address or resolve to accomplish your goal. And you see what’s happening here, right?

You’re quickly becoming vulnerable with someone you hardly know. That someone being me. You’re revealing to me what you do, why you do what you do, want you really want, and what’s stopping you getting what you want.

And being vulnerable like this can be scary. Very scary.

Let me help, though. First, it’s good to know my coaching qualifications won’t come from a box of wheaties, right? Because if I’m not a professionally trained coach, my coaching will lack the chops to help you to craft the retired life you want. Instead, my coaching would be nothing but happy talk for you, spinning in circles like a top, perhaps making you feel stupid because I conned you.

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I currently study coaching at Coach U—which is a global provider of coaching training programs to over 11,000 students and graduates from 51 countries (click here to learn more about CoachU). Coach U trains coaches in coaching competencies similar to the International Coach Federation’s Professional Certified Coach Markers—which you can click here to read. I encourage you to read these markers, too. They’re assessable components that all professional coaching sessions should comprise.

They’re handy if you’re hazy about what should really happen in a professional coaching session, whether with me or another coach.

Bottom line? I coach to an accepted approach. And I won’t sell you a snake oil bonus on your retirement coaching, either. But if you’re still apprehensive, don’t fret. That’s natural. You don’t know me, after all. So let’s get more familiar.

Why I’m a retirement coach

I mean, who grows up wanting to be a Retirement Coach? I didn’t. I wanted to be a cricketer:

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So why do I coach?

Well, my cricketing career not taking off is one reason, obviously. Another reason I coach is because I’m compelled to by my Big Retirement Idea.