Rowdy’s Privacy Policy


Did you click this link because you want to know where your name and email address will go if you give it to me, or you want to know where your other personal details and information will go if you purchase from me?

These are good and important questions to ask. Below I provide the answers, telling you who gets, stores, manages, and protects the information you may choose to provide through my websites.

If you have any questions, please email me at

First, your name and email address is stored and protected in an email mailing list managed and handled by MailChimp. This mailing list will also include your postal address if you buy my book and I have to ship it to you (if I don’t need your postal address, I don’t ask for it). Your name, email address and, if required, your postal address, will pass to MailChimp from one of my two website providers, Squarespace or ClickFunnels. And if you purchase from me, and therefore have to provide your payment information to enable your transaction, that’s all handled by my online payment provider, Stripe. I never see or get access to your payment information. That’s good, because I don’t want access to that information.

To learn more about my providers and their approach to your privacy, go to:

I also want to reiterate that I won’t rent or sell or use your information inappropriately in any way. I do, however, use third party analytics from Google and Facebook. And in some cases, I may put a cookie on your side to enable me to better understand who is visiting my sites and how they use them. I use cookies to enable you to have a better experience with my products and content. For example, I use cookies to help avoid showing you the same content twice.

Please note though, that I don’t serve ads to my site visitors using any third-party tools. When I run ads on Facebook, I may use audience to serve you and people like you ads based on your visits to my sites. Facebook’s Data Policy provides much more information on how your Facebook data is used on their platform.

At any time, you can opt from hearing from me. The easiest way is to click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email I send you and follow the instructions that you then get. You can also opt out of the collection and use of your information online. Check out these two resources to help you: YourAdChoices or Your Online Choices.

I may also work with you (in you’re a client) via software such as Zoom, and in this case, a large amount of identifiable data is created and collected as part of the learning process. At any time you can choose not to participate, but in the situation of group work in particular, your work prior to that point becomes part of the work that’s been created collectively.

I’ll continue to engage, help, and put content into the world that I hope people find beneficial, and will update this page from time to time. Hopefully that covers everything you want to know and answers your questions.


Rowdy Crowther