Why "Retirement Coach" is another term for conman
Normally by late afternoon I know what I’ll write to you. I got a rough idea, at least. But not today. I’d been too busy re-writing the sales page for my book, You’ll Hate Retirement.
Then suddenly it hit me.
It was a thunderbolt after dinner from a man named Phil Long, posted under my book advert on Facebook. (Which he posted under someone’s thunderbolt from last month saying I’m too young to be a Retirement Coach.) Mr Long’s unedited thunderbolt being:
I concur the statement above that this bloke doesn’t look old enough to be a retirement coach, another term for conman. We have retired at 60 & 55, own our home, have maturing investments and superannuations that are providing an acceptable income. That said, there were many well educated, superiors of mine that had no idea about many of our strategies. We have multiple hobbies, travel around our region weekly, take ‘long weekends’ often ( on one now) and travel overseas every 3-5 years. The biggest thing is that we are happy in each other’s company always. All the best to MR Crowther but the people who really need advice are too ‘busy’ to read this book.
And it’s amusing how Mr Long calls me a “conman” at the start of his thunderbolt, then wishes me “all the best” at the end.
It continues a trend, too.
That being, folk who send me thunderbolts are: 1) men (except for one women who admonished me for overusing the word “folk”), 2) haven’t read my book, and 3) seem compelled to attack.
Why compelled to attack?
Because they’re insecure. About what? I’m not sure. Anything and everything, perhaps. Whatever it is, their security makes them uncomfortable, so they lash out to justify their own feelings.
It’s the same reason toddlers tantrum.
But you know what?
If you happen to feel insecure about retirement, don’t send me a thunderbolt.
Instead, step into my Retirement Coaching Asylum: