The retirement problem I never heard of before

One of my Retirement Coaching clients told me today that her number one problem is taking on too much. She took on too much at work, and now does it in retirement too, overloading her weeks with events, catch-ups, activities, hobbies, and so on.

The end result? She’s exhausted, and has no time to herself.

But taking on too much isn’t a retirement problem I’m familiar with. It’s common in the workplace obviously, and can also be common at home. But in retirement? Not so much, right? Or perhaps I’m mistaken. Instead, perhaps it’s my misconception.

That’s why I’d like to know your #1 retirement problem. I want to know what really troubles you about your retirement planning.

And if you email me about it in double quick time, there’s a good chance you’ll get a copy of my ‘You’ll Hate Retirement’ book in the post for free. You see, I’m giving 15 copies away, with a few copies still remaining, one of which could be yours if you reveal your retirement obstacle. Specifics aren’t necessary, though. Rather, only the theme and why it matters to you.

Please don’t spend too much time emailing me, though. I don’t want you to miss out on a book, or feel like you’re taking on too much!

Simply email me at

Iain Crowther