What retirement planning really is

Retirement planning is one of those funny concepts that’s difficult to imagine, like how getting fit may be difficult to imagine if you never workout, or how studying may be difficult to imagine if you haven’t sat an exam in 30 years.

After all, what does planning for retirement really look like when you’re actually doing it?

Does it look like sitting in your financial planner’s office waiting to learn how much money you need to save before you can retire? Or does it look like calling your superannuation fund to find out when you can withdraw your super? Or does it look like subscribing to the Barefoot Investor so you can learn from an expert not all aboard Australia’s wealth management gravy train?

Perhaps it’s simply reading books and articles about the social and emotional aspect of retirement, or asking friends and colleagues what the heck they’ll do.

Truth be told, I suspect there’s not a lot of formal ‘planning’ going on for most folk. Folk probably aren’t sitting in their study writing long lists, stepping out strategies and goals, or drawing up ‘break glass in emergency’ contingency plans.

I’m not saying that planning isn’t happening. I just don’t believe it’s the norm for most folk.

Rather, I believe most folk think about retirement. They think what life looks like without a full-time job. For example, all the thoughts, images, uncertainties, and so on that probably kick around your head when you puzzle retirement.

Thinking about life without work.

That’s what I believe retirement planning really is.

And if you’d like to make this ‘thinking’ easier for yourself, step into my Retirement Coaching Asylum. You get a free introductory session, so there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

All you need to do is imagine yourself talking to me about your retirement thinking.

Go here next:


Iain Crowther