7 reasons not to retire

Some of the reasons I’ve heard more than once in my Retirement Coaching Asylum include:

#1: Not wanting to lose your salary, because perhaps you’re not sure if can scrap by without it, or perhaps you like what getting paid says about you. No crime in that, right?

#2: Not knowing how you’ll use your unique skills and talents without your job, because if you’re not being useful, perhaps you’ll feel a little useless.

#3: Not wanting to be old, because being ‘old’ may mean boredom, loneliness, and perhaps even a bit of helplessness, like your best days are behind you.

#4: Not wanting to be free, because you like the predictability and structure of your routine too much. You depend upon it, helping you to feel safe and secure.

#5: Not wanting to lose your mental capacity, worrying what’ll happen if you don’t use it.

#6: Not wanting to hear people you know say that you’re too young to retire, like your decision to retire is a signal you’ve given up on life.

#7: Not wanting to deal with new problems… like where to live… what to do all day long… who you’ll become… and how you’ll still make a dent in your universe.

Anyhow, those are seven reasons. There’s more though, to be fair.

And before you go, here’s another fun exercise. Let’s pretend that one these reasons stands between you and the retired life you want. Then let’s pretend it’s not actually you. It’s your close friend.

What advice would you give them?

Is their reason correct?

And what should they do next?

You can also tell your close friend there’s a place to work it all out:


Iain Crowther