What to do when the universe bites your backside in retirement
“If you lived in Australia you’d know we don’t use the word “folks”. Ten pages was enough for me,” says Facebook poster about my ‘You’ll Hate Retirement’ book
Guilty as charged. Well, kind of. Because I do use the word “folks'“ a lot in my book. But I do live in Australia—in the crisp autumn sun of our nation’s capital, to be precise. And perhaps living here in Canberra with all the pollies is a bigger crime? I don’t know.
What I do know, though, is the above feedback is from my growing cohort of Facebook ‘fans.’
It rolled in earlier this morning.
And it reveals an important retirement tip for you.
That is, when you try to put your best foot forward in retirement, when you try to get out of your comfort zone of being relaxed and comfortable 24/7, and when you try to make the contribution you want to make, the universe will bite you in your backside. Somewhere, somehow, you’ll get chompers in your assimus glutemus.
That’s the universe checking you’re serious about your agenda.
And is also why I never stop promoting my book whenever the universe bites my backside. In fact, I sold two more books this afternoon to folks who don’t mind me using the word “folks” so much.